Disposable Pads

Disposable Pads

Incontinence is estimated to effect 3 million people in the UK.  If you suffer with incontinence there are many organisations that can be of help and there are many products available to help too. We have put together a simple buying guide on many products that are available to help you cope better with incontinence and your everyday life.


Disposable Pads

There are many types of disposable pads. They are a common way of managing bladder and bowl problems. Some pads are suitable for low to mild incontinence and others are more suitable for more severe incontinence. After soiling a pad, it is better to get to a bathroom to change the pad as soon as possible to prevent any furtherodour or skin problems. 


Insert Pads – A basic pad without any waterproof backing and are used with pouch pants. Pouch pants will have an outer waterproof layer to the pouch. The pad is normally inserted into the pouch which will hold it in place. There is generally a “stay-dry” fabric between the pad and your skin – this lets the urine go into the pad but which stops it feeling wet against your skin. This pad is commonly used for light or moderate incontinence. 

insert pads and pouch pants at true mobility didcot oxfordshire  pouch pants and incontinence products at true mobility didcot oxfordshire


Shaped Pads – These pads are shaped better for the pants/body. Most come with a waterproof backing and are held in place by special net underpants or pants with a special pouch in them. Most shaped pads have a removable adehesive strip, so that they can be secured in place in either normal  underwear  or with stretch pants. It’s advisable not to remove the adehesive strip when using in pouch pants because it makes it more difficult to get the pad in or out of the pouch pant.  

shaped insert pads and incontinence products at true mobility didcot oxfordshire


All-In One Pads – These pads are more suitable for heavier flow incontinence.  They are normally designed more like nappies, with adehesive tapes which fix at the sides to hold the pad in place. There is a waterproof backing material all around the pad which will protect clothing and furniture. There are many types of all-in one pads and they are designed to replace the need to wear undwear. Most of the time the all-in one pads are easy to rip at the sides which makes it easier and quicker to get them on or off.

all-in one pads and incontinence products at true mobility didcot oxfordshire   all-in one pads and incontinence products at true mobility didcot oxfordshire