


Wipes – There are various anti-baterial wipes that can be obtained to clean surfaces, furniture and mattress protectors.  Many wipes will kill germs and protect against E-Coli and MRSA.Using skin care wipes tends to be easier and more convenient as it makes it easier to cleanse without having to have a full bath or shower.   conti wipes and anti bacterial wipes at true mobility didcot oxfordshire



Cleansers – These are specialist cleansers to clean your skin which minimise the need for scrubing or irritating what may be already a sore area. Most dissolve the urine and the faeces left in contact with the skin, so no abrasive rubbing is required.They will have added   moisturisers to soothe the skin and anti-bacterial qualities.       

                                        cleansing foam and incontinence products at true mobility didcot oxfordshire